Edtechroundup is a regular online meeting of educationally, tech-related minds. Just about every Sunday a group of tech interested teachers get together, usually via Flashmeeting, to discuss technology and its place in the classroom.
Last Sunday I took part in a special edition where the topic under discussion was VLE's (Virtual Learning Environments) and GLOW. It was special because we were recording for a podcast. Much of what was discussed looked at how VLE's are being adopted in England, which despite my not having any experience of a VLE was fascinating. I particularly enjoyed the insights from Ian Usher, who works for Buckinghamshire LEA.
However I got my chance, to bang on about GLOW. It's actually an extremely difficult concept to explain, and I'm not sure that I did it justice. But here's your chance to assess how I did. If you want to go straight to the Glow bit it comes in at just after 30 mins.
Last Sunday I took part in a special edition where the topic under discussion was VLE's (Virtual Learning Environments) and GLOW. It was special because we were recording for a podcast. Much of what was discussed looked at how VLE's are being adopted in England, which despite my not having any experience of a VLE was fascinating. I particularly enjoyed the insights from Ian Usher, who works for Buckinghamshire LEA.
However I got my chance, to bang on about GLOW. It's actually an extremely difficult concept to explain, and I'm not sure that I did it justice. But here's your chance to assess how I did. If you want to go straight to the Glow bit it comes in at just after 30 mins.
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