Another day of varying emotions. Started with a trip to Bruges for some shopping (for some).
We then visited the Tyne Cot Cemetery: 12000 gravestones of British and commonwealth troops who fell in the Ypres Salient. 35 000 names on a wall of those whose remains were never discovered. At the time of our visit a Candian family were paying their respects to the grave of a relative. I found this an extraordinary and almost unbearable act of remembrance.
That evening we went to the Menin Gate which was covered in the previous post.
Finally we adjourned to the Atlantik Bowling Alley in Ypres were Patrick welcomed us most royally. Will was top scorer, but The Dude wasn't far behind; and yes Thomas did beat Mrs Sinclair.
A Dieu La Terre by Marie Delsaux from the album Sang Pareil!
Cars and houses are not very cheap and not everyone is able to buy it. But, loan was created to support people in such situations.
Posted by: RileyPriscilla | Friday, 30 December 2011 at 02:38