I got to thinking the other day in my register class as one of the students pulled out his iPhone, other mobile and iPod.
Although this pupil was a bit of an exception to the norm, most kids have a mobile phone on them at least.
I have already had my students using them to help vocab learning via simple audio files, but I wanted to go further and allow them to see either a picture which illustrates the vocab or the word itself.
Here is my solution:
- i recorded the audio in garageband
- i typed the vocab items onto slides in keynote
- i set the garageband file playing whilst recording the keynote slideshow (I could simply have narrated but it wouldn't have had the music)
- Hey presto a narrated vocab slideshow which I then exported to quicktime
THEN it dawned on me . Ok so it cost me £20, but it will be worth it. It worked like a dream. I just opened the .mov file and then exported it as a 3gp file. The reason why I say it will be worth it is that now I will be able to convert all the vocab guide podcasts ( which I want to redo) to mobile phone files to give out to students.

And here's the proof...sort of.
In case you are interested the film is below in the previous post.
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