They've gone
the inspectors have left the building...and they never came into my classroom. This is a shame because I think I had some of my best lessons for ages this week. Simple lessons too. Low tech was the name of the game.
2 lessons with individual mini whiteboards testing knowledge of perfect tense in French and German. Students were engaged, excited and noisy, but most of them didn't realise they were learning or using what they had already learnt. Everyone in the class was active the whole lesson...and I was knackered after.
I've also been using what I learned at SCILT Outreach.
I've been reading stories to my S1 and S2 classes. At first it was "What! a story in French/German" but as I read, they all listened, for once, some even got the story once I'd explained very briefly at the beginning.
Now I only have about 5 things in the pipeline. I am going to experiment with my S3 class and produce a piece of collaborative writing on a wiki.
I am preparing for "Les Rencontres Theatrales" which we are hosting in March and then on 17th March I have to give a presentation at Communicate 07. So not much to do then.