It's going to be an interesting week.
I thought that on my return from Addis things would get back to some kind of normalcy. No chance. I thought I'd at least be able to do some room tidying during my now free S4 periods. No chance.
So much stuff to try to organise and do.
- multi cultural day
- edit films
- teach
- P7 Languages Work to film
- teach
- INSET presentation in front of all MFL teachers from Grampian
- Blogging workshop in Graz to prepare for
- Blogging/Podcasting workshops in school for teachers
Thats what I can think of at the moment...oh I forgot another one TEACH.
Often have to remind myself that's what I'm actually paid to do, compared to most of this other stuff, which I'm not.
At the moment my S1's are trying an experiment wherein they are learning their school unit stuff by doing. Instead of teaching them the vocab they are preparing films and radio shows about the school. As ever in their eagerness to produce something interesting they keep forgetting to use their vocab guides which leads to all kinds of internet translator-ease. I have given them til the end of the month. I'm quite prepared for failure in this venture as I'm not convinced that we've gone about it in the right way. I think a certain level of direct teaching will be necessary if there is to be a next time for such a project.
Anyhow. I've been putting together some more of my Addis footage so here's a video trip through Addis Abeba starting at Mount Entoto.