Having marked the mini prelim you all did, I can pass on some final bits of advice which, if you heed this advice, should help improve your grade.
For N5 and Higher pupils -
Carefully follow the SQA's current marking instructions. Many of you continue to repeat the same failings as the first prelim. For example, in the 'usefullness' question, it is no use just mentioning the origin and purpose without saying if that is useful or not. This goes for the content too. When you come to adding recall, just state, 'the source would have been more useful had it mentioned....'
Also, it is no use just selecting information from sources - you must develop the point selected to tackle the question. This goes for adding recall also. Explain how the point you are supplying helps answer the question.
Higher pupils - don't stray into sub-themes which are not relevant in the 'How far' question. Read the question carefully!
In Paper 1 - read the question VERY carefully before answering. Don't write about the Nazis in power for the rise to power and don't write about the 5 Giants for the Liberal Reforms - please!
N5 pupils - remember in the 8 mark 'To waht extent' question, deal with the point mentioned in the question as thoroughly as you can then start a new paragraph with 'However...' and add other reasons or negative points or other limitations - whatever the question requires to ensure you provide a balanced judgement. Then provide a conclusion which answers the question but also provide a reason why you came to this conclusion.
BEST ADVICE - as ever, do as many exam style questions as you can under exam conditions and revise actively (drawings etc) parts of the course you struggle to remember.
Good luck!
Mr D. :-)