National Qualifications Online - Exam preparation
Those fine people at LTScotland have collated a selection of resources intended to help this years cohort of NQ candidates prepare for their exams. Also useful I would suspect for us teachers and parents.
It includes a Exam Guide 2008 produced by the Sunday Herald, although having just looked at it there is no specific guide for Languages...why not!!! The Herald itself has a couple of podcasts available to download, which give tips and advice on how to approach exams.
Exam Guide 1
Exam Guide 2
There is also a link to the SQA Exam timetable, where you can access your Personal Timetable Builder.
You now finally download past papers from the SQA as well. Only last years for the moment, but this will obviously increase year on year.
There is also a section on Study Skills under 4 headings, Do, Get, Remember and Understand.
Well done LTScotland, there are some very useful resources here.
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