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« German Radio by 2B | Main | More stuff to do when the snow comes »

Thursday, 08 February 2007


Adam Sutcliffe

Alan and Mercedes, thank you on behalf of my colleagues and all the students left in school last week. Your comments really gave me a lift. I have to say I was exremely pleased with the work the students produced in such a short time.
Alan as for the football result, as an Englishman in Scotland I tried to avoid any mention of that match, but of course I was mocked. Never mind they spoke about it in German.

Alan Crease

Ich gratuliere Euch ! Ich habe die Radiosendungen gehört und sie waren super. Genial !

Bei uns in Südengland war die Schule geschlossen, weil es keine Schulbusse gab. Also hatten wir keine Deutschstunden. Schade !

Eine Frage zu den Sportnachrichten - habt ihr es gut gefunden, dass England gegen Spanien verloren hat??
Sicher nicht, oder ? :-)

Mercedes from Worcestershire

Well done everyone! I have just listened to your podcasts. Not bad at all! We should have more snow days like these because you really made the most of this special time. As a French teacher mainly, I was particularly interested in radio france. Good use of questionning and past tense, girls. The weather forecast was well presented to. With a little bit more time to practise, your fluency could be improved and it would then be PERFECT! I liked the jingle too. It gives me a lot of inspiration for the future podcasts I will try to do with my pupils next week. Thanks for that.

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